Thursday, November 15, 2007


Firstly, it's JunJie here.

Cleaning up session
Date: 19/11/07 (Monday)
Time: 10am
Venue: Class 3/3
Who: Every single member of 3/3.

Basically, we are expected to return the class back to its original state. Therefore, it means that we have to clean the wall and remove all the decorations.

Everyone is expected to bring a cleaning cloth. Those who can bring detergent or anything like toothpaste which can remove stains, please do so.

Secondly, the following will concern all those taking retest.

19/11/2007- Chemistry, 8-930am
20/11/2007- AMA, 8-10am
20/11/2007- CH,Geog, 1030-12am
21/11/2007- Physics, 8-930am

Those who want to know the retest that they are involved, find me at msn(

That's all.

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