Saturday, September 29, 2007


hey dudes. the geog questions......

1a. both tropical rainforest and tropical deciduous forest have a layered structure. describe the main differences of the structure and composition of these two forests. [6m]

1b. explain how large-scale deforestation may affect:
i)the flora and nutrient cycle
ii)the soil and
iii)the rivers and drainage system. [3, 3, 3m]

1c. sustainable management could help to save the kalimantan rainforests.
i)what is meant by the term sustainable management? [1m]
ii)describe measures which have been taken to protect the rainforest. [4m]

ps: i heard that mdm rose loves monsoon winds. study that for EOY yea. there would PROBABLY be a question on map reading or something. not too sure....


Friday, September 28, 2007

How to answer CDP structured essay questions

The CDP this year will follow Level or Response Marking Scheme, also known as LORMS. This is to make CDP difficult and reach the status where CDP will become an important subject and is part of the GCE 'O' level examinations and to be included in the L1R5 of a student.

Basically, we have three types of CDP SEQ:-

1) Scenario Evaluation
2) Moral Discovery
3) Application

1) Scenario Evaluation

This type of question usually carry 8 to 13 marks. It involves the use of Contextual Knowledge and also inferential skills. They would show you a picture, could be a boy caning a mother, or the mother pushing her child around, etc.

L1 - Identify expressions and the scenario

Example:- The mother is pushing her small baby boy who is 6 months old. The boy is feeling unhappy and the mother seems to be angry.

L2 - Evaluation based on source given

Example:- The mother's face seems happy, this suggests that she is not feeling guilty of beating her baby up. Her baby, on the other hand, is stained with blood and have tears all over his face. This suggests that he is feeling very happy and wants to get beaten up some more.

L3 - Evaluation based on contextual knowledge

Example:- The mother is holding a knife. Based on my contextual knowledge, a person who is holding a knife while grabbing another person by his hands will usually stab the other person. I therefore say that the mother is stabbing her child.

L4 - Morals learnt

Example:- The mother should not stab her baby with a knife. It could kill him since the lost of blood could result in the death of the baby. Instead...

Use a Parang.

2) Moral Discovery

This type of question usually hold about 6 marks. There would be a 350-450 word passage given and the student will have to pen down the morals that can be learnt from the passage itself, from there, they would have to give reasons and elaborate on why they think the moral can be learnt.

Example passage:-

" Taufik is a very naughty boy. He usually take other people's bags and hide them behind the class. He would laugh and laugh and laugh until the victim cry. At this point, he will laugh even louder. After a few weeks of pranking, his classmates caught him red handed and he was given a 5 year jail sentence. Even though they were pranked by him for a million times, Taufik's friends visited him every day from 3 to 5 pm in jail. They would then try to release him from prison by prying the steel rods open."

L1 - Identify ONE moral value
L2 - Explain
L3 - Identify TWO MORE moral values briefly

Model answer:-

According to the abovementioned passage, there are three morals that can be learnt. The three moral values are honesty, warmth and adventurousness.

Honesty can be learnt as, stated by the passage, "after a few weeks of pranking, his classmates caught him red handed and he was given a 5 year jail sentence." This tells the reader that lying is bad and honesty is the best policy. By taking other people's bags and laughing at them, he is not being honest and thus, honesty can be learnt from this passage.

Warmth can be learnt because...blah blah blah.

3) Application

This is the most difficult type of question. ALWAYS LEAVE THIS QUESTION BLANK AS IT IS VERY DIFFICULT. This type of question usually carries 15 marks. The objective is to APPLY moral values and skills in everyday life.

Example question:-

An elderly woman is trying to cross the road, but the heavy plastic bags she is carrying is hampering her every movement. She is about 12 meters away from you. Her face looked wrinkled and she is most probably 64 years old. At the same time, a blind man, 23 years old, is CROSSING the road with no heavy load, but there is a vehicle speeding towards him at about 34 km/h.

Based on your contextual knowledge and by applying the moral values learnt from the syllabus, with the aid of a well labeled diagram, which person should be saved first and why? (15 marks)

(Model answer will be given soon.)

Good luck for your CDP exams! Study smart!

(Written by AfiQ)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

alright people, as promised i will now post the answers to the econs worksheet.

Section B: short answered questions

1a) 0.35
1b) -0.63
1c) -0.24 Weak Complements
1d) -0.47 Weak Complements
1e) 0.93 Weak Substitutes

2a) OAP1
2b) P4BP2
2c) OQ2BP2
2d) Q3-Q2
2e) P1ACP3

3a) PC, MR=AR
3b) Firm A, MC=MR=AR=min., ATC
3c) Firm B, $650
3d) Firm C, $150
3e) $9

yep thats it. if you guys got any doubts, come look for me for the actual answer sheet.

oh and good luck for tomorrow's mother tongue exams!

16 more days to freedom!


Friday, September 21, 2007

Why must got good english huh?

In English language, there are many words that sound the same but is actually not. Sometimes mispronunciation of the word can make you become a laughing stock for everyone.


person A says: I am going to board the SHIP now.

Person B thinks: He is going to board the SHEEP now?!

example 2

The boss says: Can you leave that SHEET on my table?

5 minutes later:

and of course, its not just the fact that the pronounciation must be right. the way to greet the examiner must also be right too. for example, many people may have the misconception that they are all "ang mors." however, u definitely dont go up to them and say, good morning or afternoon ang mohs. that will be downright disrespectful and rascist. however, u greet them as ma'ams or sirs.

So, as you can see, how disastrous can it be... So lets practice good english from now onwards. Cos at the end of the day, it is us that go into the exam hall.


crap added by lois

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I know that most of you are trying to indulge yourself in Kopi-O. Ok, fine, cappuccinos. However please note that you may end up like mr koh spelling "neutral" to "netral". And this may be one of the smallest effect. Below shows......


-Ordinary Coffee leads to nervous reactions like sweating, trembling fingers, wet hands, trembling voice and more.

Blood circulation

-Ordinary Coffee can narrow blood vessels which leads to cold finger tips, cold feed and when consumed excessively, can lead to blood circulation problems.

Heart Rhythm Irregularities:

-Ordinary Coffee can cause heart rhythm disturbances, especially when consumed frequently in higher quantities.

Blood pressure:

-Ordinary Coffee can increase blood pressure for a short while, thus makes you feel awake one time and sleepy another throughout the day.


-Ordinary Coffee will give you sleepless nights, bad dreams and a restless sleeping habit, especially when consumed frequently in higher doses.

Heart Disease

-Ordinary Coffee leaves high levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream which may the risk for heart disease. Therefore, anything that raises homocysteine levels might increase the risk for heart disease.

Pain in arm and Shoulder:

-Ordinary Coffee can cause you pain in the left arm and shoulder due to nervousness and irregular hearbeat

I think we have enough of minuses, so these are some pluses

Bowel Movement & Digestion:

-Ordinary Coffee will make feel awake in the morning, will move your bowel and make you ready for your daily duties.


-Ordinary Coffee tastes good, especially with milk and some sweetener.

Well, as for the last one, I do not think anyone of us needs it as yet...

Sexual Stimulation:

-Ordinary Coffee is said to help stimulate sexual functions due to its caffeine.

So why not try chocolate or coke to wake you up instead. Caffeine level is not that high. The best is to watch The English Premier League or Late Night Shows to boost you up naturally. Or maybe make yourself wake up at 4 or so to do the hmwk. So, hopefully you guys see the message. Stop thinking dirty!!

register 24

exam period..

are you having insufficient amount of rest? (Yes)

are you feeling stressful? (YEs)

do you feel like breaking down? (YES)

do you think you cant take it anymore? (YES!)

well, its life. lol

Ben. <-- this is in webdings form. guess who am i!

Simple and yet so true:)

" The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems,but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect."

* A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.
* Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
* Offering his guests coffee, the professor wentto the kitchen andreturned with a large pot of coffee and an assortmentof cups -porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

* When all the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said:"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the simple and cheap ones.
* While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.
* Be assured that the cup itself adds no qualityto the coffee.
* In most cases, it is just more expensive and insome cases even hides what we drink.
* What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... Then you began eyeing each other's cups.

* Now consider this:
- Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
- They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.
- Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. Enjoy your coffee!."

* The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
* They just make the best of everything."

1. Live simply.
2. Love generously.
3. Care deeply.
4. Speak kindly.
5. Leave the rest to God.

You are the miracle, my friend;
Your life either shines a light OR casts a shadow!
Shine a light & Enjoy the Coffee!!!

Ms Faith:)

3/3 Class message.

Quote of the day:-

These pictures are some pictures taken sometime and somewhere in the world...can you guess where it is?


Mohd AfiQ, owner of .

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We have a piece of good new amidst all the class fund money collection, CIP, tests and the oncoming EOY exams. Please note that there is no common test next week as stated in the schedule!

But pls still study hard for EOY. 45% will prove the substance in us. Give your best!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How about this?

I like this the best, and I'm feeling damn pro.


Alright, so, how about with more colours?



Saturday, September 15, 2007


I'm trying to do a blogskin for our class blog, so yeah.
Do look at the design!
Click to enlarge!

Leave comments alright,
so that I can change and edit it. (:

Frankly, I think it looks weird, somehow.
But I don't know which part of it to change.
So, comments comments!


Thursday, September 13, 2007


econs question

ECONS QUESTION (posted as it can't really fit into the hw section)

Production and Cost Exercise

Draw the AC, AVC, MC, AR and MR curves for a situation where the firm is experiencing supernormal profit. Label both the axis.

1. Why are the AC and AVC curves shaped in that way? Explain.
2. If the firm is to experience subnormal profit, how should the AR and MR curves be drawn? (illustrate with a different coloured pen.)
3. Which 2 curves can the MC curve be derived from?
4. Give the equation which illustrates normal profit being made.

-- lois

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Please support SHAWN to his participation as possible candidate of MR TEEN 2007. As for others, please do not be too upset(i think) is you are not chosen. Our class is very popular of having chio and handsome ppl and is noted. So, anyone may be chosen.....

By the way, green club members are exempted from the competition. So too bad if u want to nominate us.

All the best for the test tmr. Show ms faith her faith in us is not used in vain... lol

Good luck

Monday, September 10, 2007

Where is the participation?

What happened to you ALL? You want me to scold you is it? Where is the enthusiasm! Please post, its is a must for everyone to contribute to this blog and keep this blog ALIVE. This blog is not the place where you come to view homework and reminders only. It is also a place for us to cherish, for us to post latest news on the events happening in class...

What is wrong with these people? They opened an umbrella in a CLASSROOM! This gives a lot of bad luck to the class. This is another reason why many of us couldn't make it for last term's chemistry common test. We should study hardy, and smarter!

We must go home STRAIGHT after school. No eating ice-cream at Macdonald's, no watching movie and no talking to friends after school. Just pack up and walk straight home. If the bus is always full, use a taxi! Taxi is a very cheap way of traveling around Singapore. It is cheaper than taking a bus. Do not use mind maps to study, it is very harmful to your brain. Instead, repeatedly read the textbook until you can memorize every paragraph written on the page.

(the paragraph is fake, do the reverse of everything in the previous paragraph)

This is a friendly post by your the master of


Okay, just reminding.

History class test on Wednesday!
Fascist Japan and War in Europe.
2 SEQs!



Friday, September 07, 2007


All these people scared to go into the water.

About 20 people set out, from Jurong East MRT... With a heavy load and an excited mind, they took the train to Bedok and transferred to 196, a bus that will take them to the walk of their lives. Who the heck chose PIT 60? Answer me...

(actually, it was partially my fault)

Chun Hong carrying out his hobby.

We had to walk sooooooooooooooooo far, from area C to area F. Simple tasks such as renting a bicycle and buying charcoal and ice from 7-Eleven was aggravated. It required great stamina and skill to complete the task assigned to them. Many of us just disappeared from the face of the bbq pit because they had to do these tasks. An example is the "returning bike" group, where they had to cycle to the "kit runner" shop and WALK back to the bbq pit. Starting time: 7.45 pm. End time...

Wah, sian.


Waaaah, about 2 hours gone!

No bbq? Never mind, got snacks.

Nonetheless, the outing went relatively smoothly and we did had fun. The soccer balls was made into good use(no pun intended). Syafinah was rather enthusiastic, not bad for a female. It would have been better if we had organized games and such. But let if be a fait accompli.

Weird, do not try this at home, can try arh, but at your own risk.

Presenting...the "ACT COOL GROUP"!!! These pupils are the best in looking good with shades, these are men with muscles, these are men with honour, these are the pictures:-

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Yo guys! Hope you all are enjoying your "holidays". remember to revise for chem CT!
anw, as urged by some people to put up the huge amount of homework given by teachers, i shall do so.. dont blame me!

1)Kranji Sec compo Question analysis.
2)Kranji Sec situational writing.(pair work)

3)Ama notes(further trig)e.g. 8,9,10,12,13
4)Revision ws
5)Trig ws
6)Ex 6B,6C,TYS for those who have not done so

7)The 2 "Graphic Organiser" ws thingy.

8)Trig ws
9)TYS(the paper slip of the size of 1/4 of an A4 paper)
10)Practice paper

11)Reading log

12)5 articles
13)econs presentation(class test.. do your best!)

14)green chinese wb until pg 53

15)1 compo from tys
16)1 ying yong wen from tys

17)chem worksheets

***chemistry common test
***express chinese common test monday afternoon
***HMT mock exam on monday afternoon



Dear 3/3,

First of all, we must realise the fact that out of the estimated world population of 6 453 628 million people, it is very rare for us to be in the same country with a population of 6.5 million(0.0000001% of the world population). It is even more rare to be in the same school with a population of 1360(0.00000000001%of the world population). And to be in the same class with a population of 41 out of 6453628000000 ppl(0.000000000001% of the world population), it is extremely rare!!! It is even rare to for us to be in the same class than striking 4D!!! Cos the probability of striking 4D is only 0.0001% !while the probability of being in the same class is 0.000000000001%!!! It is thus very remarkable and rare for the 41 of us plus all the teachers, to come together as one, even for a short period of 2 years. Therefore, being in the same class is already commendable, and worth rejoicing!!!

Secondly,i would like to address on the topic of arguments. In a family or group, there are bound to be arguments and disagreements. These are the fact of life that we all must face. However, disagreements and arguments are dare to help us bond even better!!! Anne Bradstreet once said :"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. " If there were no times of disagreements, would we able to savour the peace when no quarelling takes place?"" Besides that, arguments shows that comminication is taking place, and through these arguments, we can understand each other better. Wheter it is in the macro or micro level, arguments are there to help us bond better. If there are no misunderstandings, understanding will not take place! cos tru the resolution of misunderstandings, more understandings take place!!! So, rejoice in misunderstandings and disagreements, for they are the stepping stone to a higher level of bonding!!!

Thirdly, we must really cherish our schooling days. Cos these is the only period, when u can joke, laugh, and play with ur classmates and sometimes even ur teachers! As u proceed to working life, u cant do that anymore, for u must be wary of the ppl around u. They may be smiling, but u never know what they are thinking. U can nvr realli bond with ur colleagues(office politics) as well as what u are doing now. Try asking ur working parents if they bond with their colleagues and bosses. No way, cos everybody have their own self-interest, all they are interested is a stable job, increments, etc. Whereas in scling days, we all have a COMMON INTEREST - to do well for studies. Even the person u dislike most now will seem to be good when u proceed to working life. Cos u are able to see their bad pts. But in the working life, u can nvr realli judge a person, for they can hide their bad pts realli well. COME ON, secondary scl life is only once in a lifetime, once lost, nvr back!!! Cherish it!!!

Lastly, i think i am abit out of point. But nvm, take it as if i am crapping. Back to reality, end of year is coming. Wish everyone all the best!!!

with love

(sry forgot to put name - Harry)

lets hope that thursday will be a fine weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-anticipating- =)

Monday, September 03, 2007


Alot of you may be asking how to go to east coast park.
So, the answer is below.

Take MRT to Bedok interchange.
Then, take either 401 or 40 and alight at the 6th stop(Siglap Road).

Just a reminder- Please do not buy raw food like chicken and fish as they are all being ordered.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wah, 3/3 very impressive.

I am quite impressed by this class, in relative to my previous class, 2/3 06'. No offence to my previous class.

I can see that we really take care of our class. There is almost no "tearing offs" of the posters and crap on our notice boards, which is amazing! I see other classes with almost nothing on their boards, while ours are decorated and well maintained. Good job.

Recycling corner was messy. WAS. Now, after its confrontation with Jun Jie, Siok hwee, Jerelyn and Afiq, who helped tidy the corner, the Recycling corner is now a wonder of the world. I know that most of you do not think the corner as a place to recycle, but rather, a place to throw your bottles so that you wont have to walk in front and throw it there. Good job, at least you recycle it nonetheless (and of course, only if the Green Club president start clearing the bottles and such).

The class outing was done in a very organized manner. WOW. Task are allocated to respective classmates and funds are collected by our very own Zhi Kai. Clap clap clap. I dont know why, but I am making my class sound as if we are a robots, but that is not my intention. I dont really have an intention by the way, I am just typing this out.

Alright, I like this class so much.

Remember, all food and drinks and everything must be HALAL in accordance with Ameer's code of conduct.

Anyway, I took this picture and would like to you see anything funny in this picture?

Written By AfiQ. Do visit:



